Xiaojin Gu is a PhD student in the Diagnostic Image Analysis Group. He obtained his master's degree of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam in 2021, with a strong focus on machine learning and computer vision. The topic of his master thesis was deep learning for radiotherapy treatment planning. He performed the research in the radiotherapy department at the Amsterdam UMC and worked there for 2 years after graduation.

Since June 2024, Xiaojin started as a PhD candidate in the CARA lab and qurAI. The focus of his research is optimizing coronary stent placement through image analysis of optical coherence tomography (OCT) images, using deep learning. He is supervised by Prof. dr. Ivana IĆĄgum, prof. dr. Niels van Royen, dr. Simone Saitta and dr. Jos Thannhauser.